Divorce Planning Worksheet – Plan For The Kids
When it comes to families going through a divorce, the most important thing is that the children are cared for. As a parent, you want your kids to be able to adjust and move on without too much disruption in their lives. To ensure this happens, it’s important to plan ahead by creating a divorce planning worksheet specifically tailored to your family’s needs. Here are the first seven parts of the divorce planning worksheet series.
If you came here first and missed them, please start at the beginning of your Divorce Preparation Worksheet to get the most out of it.
- First Steps
- Getting Practical
- Redefining Yourself
- Making It Legal
- Financial Preparation
- Getting Savvy
- The Talk
Planning for the kids when parents split up.
40. If you have children, consider the ideal custody schedules for your family.
Many people are unaware that they can choose or construct divorce time sharing schedules that they believe will work best for their family; they are not required to do what the lawyers propose. Investigate your choices, taking into account your and your spouse’s work schedules and the needs of your children. (Ideally, you should do this with your partner.) In general, the family court system will want your children to spend equal time with each parent, which means half of their time with you and half with their other parent. So, be honest and accept that your children will most likely be away from you half the time. Make it as simple as possible for them. Consult a lawyer if you do not believe your children should live with their other parent. Make sure to inquire, “How much would it cost me to pursue sole physical custody?”
41. Create a parenting plan for before and after your divorce.
This should include the parenting schedule and arrangements around holidays, key religious celebrations, and medical and educational requirements.
42. Using a parenting app, make a complete list of your children’s needs regarding activities, health, education, and well-being.
Consider using a parenting app to keep things organized and easily shared to reduce misunderstanding, stress, and direct interaction. An impartial tool will make communication and information sharing easier. Try “Family Wizard.” It is frequently recommended by family courts and is the most popular parenting app. Click here for a list of apps used for scheduling child timesharing.
43. Plan your words and notify your children that you are splitting or separating.
Confronting your children and explaining how their reality will change is one of the most difficult parts of the challenge. Discuss what you will say to them in advance with their other parent, and impress upon them the need for a plan to show your children that there will be structure. Be aware that you may not be able to count on the other parent to join you in this conversation.
44. Arrange for help for your children.
Inform your children’s schools as soon as you learn of the divorce, and request any counseling assistance the school may have or recommend. In addition, examine therapists who can help your children individually. Children deserve a safe place to express themselves without fear of upsetting you or your spouse.
Planning for the kids when parents split up – Conclusion
In conclusion, it is important to remember that divorce affects children emotionally, physically, and mentally. As parents, it is our responsibility to help them understand and cope with the changes they are facing. Filling out this divorce worksheet can be the first stepping stone towards easing the transition for your children and helping them lead healthy lives in the future.