Divorce is a difficult decision, especially when there are children involved.
High legal fees can often add to the difficulty, increasing the financial burden and strain placed on an individual during the divorce process. “Do-it-yourself divorce” is an increasingly common trend among people seeking divorce, but this fad can often come with hidden costs and end up costing your more in the long run.
If you or your spouse have made the choice to seek divorce, an experienced Hillsborough County Divorce Attorney can help protect your rights and your assets. Summerfield Law Office also offers unbundled legal services to help you with high legal costs.
The Downsides to DIY Divorce
In theory, a do-it-yourself divorce can save you money in the short-term. However, if you and your spouse are not in agreement on all aspects of your divorce, a DIY divorce can cause major problems in the long-term. Some of the issues that accompany a DIY divorce include the following:
1) An extreme time commitment
Finding the time to research all of Florida’s divorce laws so that you have an intricate
understanding of how they work together and what they mean for you is very difficult to
do. It is crucial that you understand how laws applicable to your unique situation work
with other laws, and DIY divorce packages are not tailored to your unique needs. You
can see just how expansive Florida’s general laws governing divorce are by checking here.
2) Divorce comes with tax consequences.
DIY divorce packages do not always contemplate these impending issues. There are also other potential financial implications that a DIY divorce might not contemplate, such as imputed future income that may factor into spousal or child support arrangements. Being caught off-guard by these and other financial roadblocks can severely handicap your financial well-being after divorce.
3) Complex financial matters are not adequately addressed through a DIY divorce.
If there are additional assets held by one or both spouses, a DIY divorce can often skip over laws in Florida dealing with such assets. Not having a full understanding of these laws can cost you in the form of increased taxes and/or penalties based on how these assets are divided.
4) Often the real hidden costs of a DIY divorce cannot be seen until well after the divorce has been finalized.
There might be property or assets that you may have been unknowingly entitled to during the divorce, but that you are unable to collect once the divorce has been finalized.
Is a DIY Divorce Right for You?
For many people, DIY divorces can cause more problems than they solve. Even if you are aware of the risks of DIY divorces and still wish to pursue that route, you should still consider experienced legal consultation before entering into any agreements related to the divorce. Summerfield Law Office offers unbundled legal services to help relieve the financial burden of obtaining quality legal advice. Through these unbundled legal services, you have the power to represent yourself with an experienced attorney on your side when you need help.
Contact Melinda Budzynski, A Tampa Divorce Attorney
If your divorce is contested, you may be looking at a much more complicated process. Contact Summerfield Law Office for more information about the services we offer, and see how we can support you through the difficult divorce process.